《民国国学文库:春秋左传》为繁体竖排,现转简体横排。简化按通行规则,但考虑到作为国学读物,普及小学知识亦在情理之中,故而保留了少量通假字、繁体字、异体字,一般都出注说明,或许亦可增加读者的阅读兴趣和扩大知识面。生僻、多音字作相应注音,原反切、同音、魏妥玛注音,均统一改现代汉语拼音。(The presentation of Library of Sinology in the Republic of China: The Spring and Autumn Annals is changed from Traditional Chinese character to simplified ones, from vertical linage to horizontal linage. The simplification is applied according to the common rules, but taking into account of its function of popularizing primary knowledge as a Sinology reading material, it is also reasonable therefore to retain a small amount of interchangeable characters, traditional Chinese characters and Variant Forms of the characters, generally with notes, through which perhaps the readers' interest can be increased and their knowledge be expanded.To rarely-used characters and polyphony characters, Phonetic Notation is added correspondently, all of which adopt the modern Chinese pinyin system instead of the Fan-qie, homophone, or Wade-Giles Romanization systems.