《民国国学文库:后汉书》是一部记载东汉历史的纪传体史书,与《史记》、《汉书》、《三国志》合称"前四史"。书中主要记述了上起东汉的汉光武帝建武元年(公元25年),下至汉献帝建安二十五年(公元220年),共196年的史事。(Library of Sinology in the Republic of China: Books of Later Han Dynasty is a biographic history book of the Eastern Han Dynasty, making up the Previous Four Historical Books together with Historical Records, Books of Han Dynasty, and the Records of Three Kingdoms.
The book mainly records a 196-year history of the Han Dynasty from the first year of Emperor Guangwu (AD 25 years), to the the 25th year of Jian An Era of Emperor Xian (AD 220 years).